Welcome to Mary's Blog, Author of FIRST ROSE

FIRST ROSE is a book I felt an urgency to write. I had listened to so many accounts of near death experiences, visions and dreams that needed to be shared. When I began to write this fictional reality novel, so many of what I had heard flooded my mind and helped me describe with incredible detail what I was seeing as I wrote. It will make the reader wonder if it is real or not!

Monday, January 4, 2010


With the brush of reality, the colors of dreams and the stroke of bravery, FIRST ROSE became the canvass for a literary masterpiece.

Hope and happiness are relived in this extraordinary work of fiction. Peace and assurance flood the mind as this book escorts one past the inevitable appointment that awaits us all and into an incredible detailed account of Heaven.

Reality and fiction are woven together creating a book worth keeping and passing on from generation to generation.

What parts are fiction, only the reader can decide. Inspired by creation and the Bible, it is full of spectacular sights and reference to sounds expected in eternity. Its compilation was inspired by years of ministry with people concerning their supernatural experiences which could be supported by Biblical truth.

FIRST ROSE restores insight into life to come and gives every cloud of circumstance here a silver lining. It gives the reader a fresh reality of the existence of a just and loving Creator. It regenerates the possibility that some (if not all) of the occurrences written in the book could actually be true one day.

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